Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28, 2007

Eight people played three different games tonight.

  • Power Grid - played by Eli, Pete, Adam, Phil, and myself. We played on the U.S.A. map. Adam tried running on all environmental plants for a while. I held a monopoly on garbage plants throughout most of the game. During what turned out to be the second to last turn, Pete bought a little too much coal, and ended up missing out on the win because he was a couple of electros short of building into his 15th city. Eli won on the next turn. Final scores: Eli 15 (won on cash), Pete 15, Adam 14, Phil 14, Eric 13.
  • Munchkin Bites - Lance, Katie, and Joey. Joey won.
  • Poison - Lance, Katie, and Joey. They played by a slightly incorrect version of the rules (they weren’t leaving the card just played in the pot when it went over 13). Lance won.

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