Tuesday, May 8, 2007

May 8, 2007

We had one new-comer this session, Ed. Ed was already there when I got there. He and I played a game of Yinsh, which he won, and then a game of PĆ¼nct, which I won.

By this time, Phil arrived, and the three of us played a game of Domaine. I concentrated on one region, and pretty much dominated the game. Phil tried to fight back from the center of the board, but by the time he got his central region closed, my one large region surrounded it on three sides, and I immediately played an alliance card, which pretty much doomed Phil. Ed was in third most of the game, but to be fair, it was his first playing, and I don’t think he quite “got it” until near the end.

Hal arrived, and the four of us played Masons. All four of us were extremely reluctant to give anyone else an opportunity to form a city. As a result, there was a lot of stuff on the board when the first city was finally formed, and I jumped to an early lead by scoring 27 points on it. I rapidly fell behind, however, and Phil held the lead for most of the rest of the game, and was the winner.

We then played Guillotine, which Hal won with 29 points.

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